

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The "God Particle" - the Higgs Boson ,

Among all the difficulty that researcher struggle over, mass has become known one of the wonderful things to understand at present. For much of science, mass was recognized a basic part of the world, and when Newton related mass to inactivity, it was thing that appeared very logical and clear, and the understanding of mass must have been thought to be in the bag by scientists at that time.

The Higgs boson is a assumptive basic particle that is presumed to exist by the Standard Model of particle physics and its existence, in easy terms, will make clear why fundamental particles like quarks and electrons have mass. The particle was entitled the 'The God Particle' by Leon Lederman, an American experimental physicist and Nobel Prize laureate by reason of the particle's critical role in the basic workings of physics in the 21st century, combined with its amazing elusiveness.

The current idea of mass is that it did not appear at the point of the starting of the Universe, the Big Bang, but some time behind. In the beginning, mass existed only as virtual particles, particles that were in a superfluid state. They were in perfect proportion , and so did not crystal clear , and no particle in the universe at that time had mass. It was only when the field of virtual particles cooled down that this symmetry was broken, and the mass particles condensed on other particles, and elementary particles acquired their mass.
Physicists have spent spent $10 billion on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, a particle accelerator just outside Geneva in Switzerland. After years of hard work , it looks something like that they are finally close to finding the "god-damn-it" particle (entitled), and in Dec 2011 there was a burst of activity in CERN as data appearing like the Higgs Boson was grabed. If future data planned to be gathered later this year corroborates the finding of last December, capturing the Higgs will likely be regarded as one of the 21st century's great discoveries.

This occurrence will give plenty of data for scientists to confirm their understanding of mass and all the theories combined with present quantum physics. We are at this moment finally close to understanding what mass actually is. Either that, or if the experiment fails to confirm the present theory, we will be faced with not having any idea at all about mass.

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